关于东京2020第二届国际肖像漫画展 征稿通知 为促进国际间肖像漫画艺术的交流,现举办东京2020第二届国际肖像漫画展。该展每两年一届,首届已于2018年在北京成功举办。 现将第二届展览征稿事宜通知如下: 一、主办方 中国新闻漫画研究会 浙江省漫画家协会 日本大阪蜗庐美术馆 浙江陶氏文化艺术有限公司 二、策展人 陶小明(浙江省漫画家协会主席) 三、评选委员会 由主办方邀请业界知名专家组成 四、展览主题 平和、友好、幽默、欢乐 五、展出日期 2020年5月7日至20日 六、展出地点 日本东京日中友好会馆美术馆 七、展出规模 展出入选作品约200件 八、相关活动 展出期间将在日本东京举办专题研讨会、互动写生等交流活动。 九、征稿日期 即日起至2019年12月30日止 十、投稿及参展要求 1、作品一律以电子邮箱形式投稿,收稿邮箱:Taosart@Taosart.CN。 2、投稿作品以古今中外各界名人为主,风格不限、数量不限,以艺术性、趣味性为首选,择优录取。因第32届夏季奥运会将于2020年在日本东京举办,故将适当增加体育明星的参展数量。 3、投稿作品应注明作者国籍、姓名、作品标题、通讯地址、邮编、电子邮箱、联系电话、身份证复印件(国外作者提供护照复印件)。务必确切,以便联络。 4、投稿作品分辨率应在200dpi以上,文件大小不小于2M。 5、入选作品由作者自行决定手绘稿或电子稿。手绘稿单幅尺寸最小不小于42cm×30cm,最大不超过80cm×60cm,电子稿一律由主办方统一制作。 十一、作者待遇 1、参展作品将结集出版,每位参展作者均可获赠一册 2、颁发参展证书 3、邀请部分参展作者赴日本东京开展交流活动 十二、主办方权利 1、对参展作品有商业、展览、研究、摄影、录像、出版及宣传权。 2、不承担作品著作权纠纷引发的法律责任。 3、凡送作品参评及参选者,应视为已确认并遵守征稿通知的各项规定,主办方保留以上全部条款的最终解释权。 十三、联系方式 联系地址:中国浙江省杭州市上城区定安路68号定安名都商务大厦A座503-505 浙江陶氏文化艺术有限公司 联系电话:86-571-85061123 联系人:朱凯(手机:18058800172);陈琦(手机:13735804085) 微信公众号:陶氏艺术 The second International Caricature Portrait Exhibition Tokyo 2020 Filling notice In order to promote the international exchange of portraiture art, The second International Caricature Portrait Exhibition Tokyo 2020 has been held. The exhibition is held every two years and the first one was successfully held in Beijing in 2018.The second exhibition solicitation is hereby notified as follows:
1. Sponsor China Institute of Newscartoon Zhejiang Cartoonists Association The Wolu Museum Of Art, Osaka, Japan Zhejiang Tao’s Culture & Art CO.,LTD.
2. Chief Curator Tao Xiaoming (chairman of Zhejiang Cartoonists’ Association)
3. Selection committee By the organizers invited well-known experts in the industry
4. Exhibition theme Peace, friendship, humor, joy
5. Date of exhibition May 7th- 20th 2020 6. Exhibition location Japan-China Friendship Center Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
7. Scale of exhibition About 200 selected works are on display
8. Related activities During the exhibition, seminars and interactive sketching activities will be held in Tokyo, Japan.
9. Soliciting date From now until December 30, 2019
10. Submission and participation requirements 1) All works shall be submitted via email to Taosar@taosart.cn . 2) Contributions to the ancient and modern celebrities from all over the world, the style and the number are unlimited, artistic, interesting as the first choice, the best admission. As the 32nd Summer Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo, Japan in 2020, the number of sports stars will be appropriately increased. 3) The author's nationality, name, title, mailing address, postal code, email address, contact phone number and copy of id card should be indicated in the submitted work (copy of passport provided by foreign author). Be sure to be exact in order to contact. 4) The resolution of the submitted works should be above 200dpi and the file size should not be less than 2M. 5) The selected works shall be hand-drawn or electronically selected by the author. The single size of hand-drawn manuscripts shall be no less than 42cm×30cm and no more than 80cm×60cm. All electronic manuscripts shall be produced by the organizer. 11. Author treatment 1) The exhibition works will be published in a complete set, and each exhibitor will receive one copy as a gift. 2) Issue exhibition certificate. 3) Invitation to Tokyo for exchange activities
12. Party a's rights 1) The exhibition works have the rights of commerce, exhibition, research, photography, video, publication and publicity. 2) It shall not assume legal liability arising from copyright disputes. 3) All works submitted for eva luation and candidates shall be deemed to have been confirmed and complied with the provisions of the solicitation notice. The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of all the above provisions.
13. Contact information Address: 503-505, building A, Dingan Dingdu business building, 68 Dingan Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, China Contact number: 86-571-85061123 Contact person: Zhu Kai(mobile phone: 18058800172); Chen Qi (mobile phone: 13735804085) WeChat official account: 陶氏艺术 |
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