巴西Medplan幽默沙龙大赛征稿至今已经成功举办了四届,今年是第五届,由Medplan公司主办,总奖金1万美元,第一名5000美元,第二名3000美元,还有2000美元的奖项由网络投票产生。 本次大赛面向所有漫画家开放,2013年7月7日公布获奖者,每位漫画家最多提交三份30X40 cm的作品参赛,每个作品或者Email必须标注漫画家姓名、地址、电子邮件、电话、身份证号、社会保障号和银行账户等信息。 作品提交可以通过网站www.medplan.com.br,或者邮递。 优秀的作品将参与巡展,版权归Medplan所有。 与Medplan公司相关的人员不得参与本次大赛。 感谢鲤鲲发现错误。 一等奖:5000美元 二等奖:3000美元 互联网奖:2000美元 奖项将在6月25日到6月30日在www.medplan.com.br由网民投票决定。 1 - REGISTRATION: April 10 to June 10, 2013. The 5th Medplan Mood Lounge is open to all graphic artists Brazilians modalities charge and / or cartoon.
The opening of the hall will be on July 7, 2013, with the announcement of the winners.
Each artist may enroll with the maximum of three (3) unpublished format 30X40 cm and using any technique.
On the back of each drawing, or e-mail should include the author's full name, address, email, phone, identity number, social security number and bank account.
The artist can participate by sending their work through the site www.medplan.com.br,
with a maximum size of 3 megabytes) or sending theOriginal to:
5th Salon of Humor Medplan
Rua Rodrigues Coelho, 1921 - Center
CEP: 64000-080
Teresina - PI
The theme of the 5th Salon of Humor Medplan will GOSSIP.
First place: $ 5,000.00 (five thousand dollars)
Second Place: $ 3,000.00 (three thousand dollars).
Internet Award: $ 2,000.00 (two thousand dollars).
The Award will be chosen by Internet surfers, 25-30 June, at: www.medplan.com.br
The best works will be part of the traveling exhibition
5th Salon of Humor Medplan. The winning works will be considered acquisitive and become part of the collection of Medplan. The works will not be returned.
Can not participate in this hall Medplan officials, relatives and those who are involved in your organization.
The simple inscription automatic participant's agreement to all terms of this regulation.
Other information: (86) 9975 2514
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